Posts Tagged "boise70.3"

AG win at Boise 70.3

Posted on Jun 14, 2015 in Racing Report, Uncategorized

AG win at Boise 70.3

Sarah Barber has been a cyclist for many years – and very successful in the sport. She joined the Boise Betties this spring and began working on her running. I was impressed from the start by her work ethic and athletic abilities. When she mentioned the possibility of competing in the Boise half Ironman – rumored to be the last Boise Ironman event – I encouraged her as strongly as I could. She was on the fence but her Bettie teammates I wanted to see her give the event a try. Needless to say, Sarah had an incredible debut in the half Ironman. She won her age group and powered through the heat. It was an incredible race. Congratulations Sarah!!     📷: David Meadows    📷: David Meadows...

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