Just Who Is Dr. Bettie?
Actually, there are two Betties on the job! The Boise Betties are lucky to have such a wealth of knowledge and research abilities on the team- and these two women came forward asking for the job. I didn’t even know we needed a Dr. Bettie and yet I find their articles so interesting and relevant. What question do you have for the Drs?
Dr. Jennifer Anderson is a board certified cardiologist with practice locations in both Boise and Eagle, Idaho. She received her medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine, and completed a fellowship in cardiovascular disease at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Dr. Anderson’s career journey began with graduate work in both Exercise Physiology as well as Nutritional Sciences, giving her patients comprehensive, innovative care that emphasizes lifestyle intervention and disease prevention. She ran competitively for the University of Maine and still holds a place among their all time top runners in the 10,000m race.
Samia McCall boasts a background in law with a degree from American University in Washington, DC and maintains bar membership in three states. As a self described “research monkey”, Samia’s curious mind leads her to research and answer questions from an incredible variety of topics- particularly those tying back to her passion for running. As an empathetic teammate and runner who has suffered her fair share of injuries, Samia brings thorough research to the table for each Dr. Bettie post. She is an accomplished runner, and is finding her stride again after a plague of injuries over the past few years. In her first race back Samia beat her Robie Creek personal best (set nearly 7 years ago before she had children!).
Check out Dr. Bettie’s previous articles here:
Strategies for Diminishing Body Fat
Five Ways to Avoid Needing a Cardiologist